The Power of Now ( A guide to Spiritual Enlightenment) by Eckhart Tolle


I am in a self-search time of my life, and everyday i try to understand myself and my nature a bit more, and through this understanding , i get closer to the people around me. Understanding myself is like understanding the whole world. I am very receptive when it comes to books and one day i received a book as a gift from a friend, the book called The Power of Now. It took me a while to start reading it , as the cover wasn’t really attractive , and so it didn’t really winked from the book shelf. Anyway, as i started to read it , it was like i was reading something that unconsciously i was thinking, and it was like the author of this book was bringing up to the surface my inner knowledge, enclosed in every single cell of my body.

This book is so deep and yet so simple, and it’s going around the idea that I am not my mind. The mind represents the ego , the ME that I created through the experiences that I’ve had since i was born and the history that I’ve created. The mind is a wonderful tool that one should use to create, and not to let it possess the being. It was a bit difficult to understand this simple idea at first, as i was reading with my mind, with my ego, and not with my heart. Little by little i began to open my heart to this book and the understanding of it went so deep , like in another dimension that i have never thought it existed.

This book is like a hidden treasure. You should dig deep into your heart and soul to find it , and it’s entirely up to you to find it. I wish you good-luck!

Thank you Eckhart Tolle for sharing your awakening experience with us and for taking time to explain to us how things work !

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